Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan 24th, the 32 hour day

Waiting at the airport for them to sort out the tickets!
.Today started at 3:00am when Stacey and I got up to get showered and ready for the day.  I managed to cram all our stuff in the suitcases last night, so we got the girls up dressed, threw the last things into the bags then zipped em up.  By 4:40 we were downstairs packing up, and Stacey ran over to Starbucks for our morning coffee.

We once again had problems at the airport (they didn't have Chloe's ticket), and we were almost the last ones on the plane, but we made it.  Chloe even slept a bit on the 2 hr plane ride!  We got to Shanghai, took a van (with all our luggage we dont fit in a taxi) to the hotel to rest for 7 hours.  The internet here is really slow, so I won't have many or any pictures in this post.  We leave at 7:00pm to go back to the airport (we got here at 11:00).

We managed to get a great lunch at a place about a 15 min walk from the hotel, great fish!  Then took naps, we all fell asleep.  Now for some food, then back to the airport!

Keep us in your prayers for a relaxing flight home!

Our flight leaves 9:45pm Thursday the 24th, we arrive in Los Angeles at 5:30pm Thursday the 24th (kinda like time travel!).

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