Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 10th

Sorry for the mess up of the dates, I guess I was feeling a day off...  its fixed now.

The day started out bright and beautiful...

more than 28 million people live in Shanghai

We went searching for more interesting Shanghai...  

On the way we found a park that Estee wanted to walk thru.  It was like an oasis in the middle of the bustling city.

Reminded me of Central Park in NY, with a few exceptions.  Like exercise equipment that was actually being USED.

Estee had to get on and try everything!  

She must be Chinese...

We had tro drag her away

It really was pretty

Next we found the Xintandi, it is a section of old Shanghai but restored.  Very cool buildings, looked really neat, it was mostly high end shops and restaurants, a very unique outdoor shopping mall.

Sorry for the blurry photos, I was using the good camera today, but didn't have the auto focus on. 

We found a restaurant that served some authentic Shanghai food.

Yes that is all thats left of the fish - SOOO Good

Wasn't spicy at all ;)

Then we found some streets lined with shops/booths selling authentic fake Chinese antiques, Dongtai Road...

Here Stacey is driving a hard bargain!

Well actually, the stuff was all crap, but the man was so nice she had trouble walking away!

Estee was fascinated watching a lady clean fish on the side of the road, then she made a little friend.

We think she was Chloe's age...

So we are getting used to Chinese driving, the stop lights are pretty much viewed as suggestions, and there are electric scooters everywhere.  This is really cool considering the smog, the problem is they are silent, and they don't stop for lights, crosswalks, or pedestrians, they dont even feel compelled to drive the correct way on the streets!  We are amazed that there aren't accidents at every corner, but somehow they all manage to avoid each other...  And the really funny thing is that they all seem to be ignoring each other, I don't know how they do it?!  Chinese ballet...

I did hear a rare sound this afternoon, screeching of tires!  So I looked at the street expecting to see an accident or at least a near miss, but it was just a guy stopping because something fell of his scooter...

Our Shanghai home, two floors from the top!

End of the day...


  1. 28 that all -:) no wonder "personal space" isn't important!!!! Kids are great at "friending" cool Estee.

  2. Great pictures! I'm so excited for you guys!
