Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23rd

Well, today was our last day in Guangzhou, we are all three feeling like we are coming down with a cold/flu, and all feeling the 3 weeks of travel.  At the store yesterday, looking for something to fend off my cold the lady gave me a bottle of concentrated garlic oil tabs...  So I went for it yesterday, and am feeling a little better today, so I have gotten Estee and Stacey on it too.  Our breath must be monstrous!

                Estee and Chloe starting the day

After breakfast we drove to Shamian Island for shopping and lunch.  This is where we stayed for the week in Guangzhou when we came here for Estee, a very quiet and beautiful place.  Was a great way to spend the last day, enjoying the beauty and quiet, and finishing all our gift and souvenier shopping. 

Estee was feeling better since she wouldn't have to
walk today (we borrowed a stroller for Chloe), but
she wasn't so sure about her new wheels!
SO much better after a stop into Starbucks

Enjoying the beauty and quiet
While we shopped, Estee picked up a book,
and seemed totally absorbed.  Only later
did I notice it was a book of Mao's writings!
One of our first purchases, were some
squeaky shoes for Chloe (they squeak
every step.

Once she figured out they made noise,
it was hard to stop her!

Look at me, I'M NOISY!
The escapee

"I look pretty good in my new wheels, don't I?"
Each day, Chloe lets Stacey do more
and more without resisting.  Today
was especially good.

If only she would face the camera!
Of course there was shopping for fashion reasons as well...

Why'd you put this hat on me?  Do I look
Chinese or something?
Estee danced with the statues that
lined the walkway.

On the way back to the hotel, I asked our guide for help finding the one thing I swore I would not leave China without (besides Chloe), a cast iron wok!  Since the two I bought last time I was here were both broken, and I use them for cooking our veggies almost daily!

First we tried the shops on this street...

No, not these...

Here deep in the recesses of this small shop
crammed with merchandise, I found what I
was looking for!!  The only problem is each
Wok probably weighs 10lbs...  how am I going
to stay under the weight limits now?
Tonight, we just packed, and re-packed, and I still have some more packing to do!  We leave the hotel at 5:00am tomorrow, so cant leave anything till tomorrow.

We fly to Shanghai, layover for the day, then fly back to the States at 10:00pm.  It will be a LOOOOOOOOoooooong day, please pray we are up for it (and we all feel better), and even more, that Chloe is manageable on the plane, and sleeps a lot!  (we brought some Benadryl for backup...)

Taylor, this picture is for you!  Even in China...


  1. Yes, safe travels. Will be so sweet to be home. Cute pics today!

  2. Thinking of you all as you prepare to wing your way back home. I'm sure you are ready! And smiling to thinkn of the reunion you'll have when you get here. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us all! Godspeed...
