Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jan 16th

So you are probably wondering about how Chloe is adjusting to these smelly strangers with light hair and big noses?!  Well today was our second full day with her, and some things are very clear.  First, this girl LOVES to eat!  Most times she is cranky and crying, its because she is hungry.  Second, she is a GREAT sleeper (thank you GOD!!).  Every night she goes down easily, and even for naps...  (we were worried, remembering how Estee was when we got her).  She still seems to wake up each morning or from naps thinking, "these people are still here?"  She hasn't cracked a smile yet, but she is not crying as much.  She loves riding in the stroller (another great thing) when she gets fussy, well, we get exercise!  (and goodness knows we could use extra exercise with all this great food... it is really hard to push away from the table, every meal!)

Most of her crying seems like she is missing her home, kind of mourning a loss she feels.  But some times she gets mad, throws down the toys we give her, pushes us away, but that never lasts too long.  SHe is pretty easy to distract, with food or a different toy or a stroller ride.  Another thing we have found is that she really likes music, whenever we turn some on, she starts moving her hands and body, if she is standing, she starts dancing!  (I'm playing Chinese childrens music on my computer as I write this, do-re-me (in Chinese) just came on, and she started raising her hands up and down, and twirling around).

She is clearly very smart, when you pick up her shoes, she lifts her leg to help you put it on, she learned to give us five, and she tries to feed herself with a spoon (usually upside down).  She walks really well, but looks like she will fall over at any second, but she really doesn't, so maybe its just a bit of swagger.  She is from a region in China where the girls are said to be strong willed and "spicy".  When we leave the room, she usually follows us to the next one, she seems to like to be close to us, even though she hasn't totally accepted us.

Estee has been a big help, taking baths with her, sharing her iPad, even watching movies with her.  Chloe doesn't really play with her yet, but Estee has been very willing.  Chloe also likes it when Estee laughs, which she does a lot, especially when I try to speak Chinese!  When our guide tells us how to say something, Estee gets the pronunciation right the first time every time, but I am another story!  Ok, heres an example; be-be means daddy, and be-be means poop...  So as I point to myself and tell Chloe that I am be-be (daddy), Estee keeps cracking up, "dad you are calling yourself poop!"  She got alot of mileage out of that!  It was pretty funny.

Chloe seems to be very healthy, she is very chubby, has a healthy appetite, and sleeps well.  Her cleft palette does not seem to hinder her eating at all, although they told us to make sure she finishes each bite before you give her the next, she also has an interesting habit of putting her head back with every bite you give her.  She was obviously loved at the orphanage (they told us there was about 30 kids- all special needs), and that she was a favorite.  She must have gotten a lot of attention, because she clearly misses them!  But we know that this was the best thing for her in the beginning of her life, the more a child is loved and touched, the more capacity they have to love and be loved as they grow older!  So we feel very blessed, even though it isn't easy to see her cry often!

After breakfast at the hotel
On the way to the island

In the stroller on the island
Today, we went to Orange Island.  It is a large island in the middle of the river that flows thru Changsha, it got its name from the orange trees that grew on it, it used to be an attraction where you could go and eat as many oranges as you could pick...   I think we all know how that ended!  Now it is a public park with a great walkway all around it, and a HUGE sculpture of Chairman Mao at the south end (see pictures- oops, these pics got deleted accidentally).  The whole walk (2.5 hrs) Chloe didn't make a peep unless we stopped walking, although she did start to sing to herself a few times when there was music playing on the outdoor speakers!  

After the long walk, we went to a Chinese version of Benihana, and had some great Changsha style Chinese food, cooked Benihana style.  

Was a great time, and we were even entertained by the chef's who did a little dance halfway thru lunch.  After that, it was back to the hotel for nap.

At dinner tonight, Dad got the first smile out of her!!!  It wasn't a full smile, but the best we have seen so far, luckily we got it on camera.
playing around at dinner


There it is, the first smile!!!!

This was the 2nd smile, and last of the night!

just more playing after that

I got yur spoon right here...

You want me to wear a bow?

I don't think so!

Sleeping Beauty!

Tomorrow we are going to see an embroidery factory, something Changsha is famous for.  

Really sad that we lost all the photos Stacey took with the good camera, there were some really good shots on Orange Island, of the Chairman Mao bust, and all the beautiful scenery...  real bummer!!!


  1. She looks absolutely beautiful!

  2. A beautiful, touching narrative and beautiful pictures! The highlight of my day is reading your blog>
