Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan 15th

Today we finalized the adoption at the civil affairs office.  Then went to Walmart to pick up a few things (and take in the sights).  Back to the hotel for lunch, then a nap for all of us!  Chloe is crying much less, and playing more.  She loves to eat, and ride in the stroller.  Haven't got a smile...  but we are getting close!

a foot print seals the deal

adopting...  only 5 signatures, nothing like a mortgage!

She is officially ours!!

playing soccer with big sis

A shopping trip to Walmart

this is all I need mom!

a little different than Walmart back home!

a "snack-pack"

enjoying her new stroller

all parts chicken soup (note the foot and liver)
the broth was amazingly rich and very good!

watching a video on the iPad 

the nightly ritual

bottle before bed


  1. The Musgroves and their food adventures! Congratulations! Chloe is adorable. That first smile is worth the wait. What does Estee think about all this? Hope you all get a good night's sleep!

  2. Forgot to mention that Piper is fascinated by your posts. She read yesterday's carefully to each of us, naming each person in each picture over and over again. I think she is feeling proud of Estee, as Estee gets a little extra smile each time. Very sweet.

  3. Estee is playing a very important role...you go girl! Kids & baths can be a great equalizer -:) That big smile will come soon.

  4. So happy for a happy family. Safe travels and it looks and sounds like the bonding is going great!
