Friday, January 25, 2013

Getting Home (Jan 24-25th)

To all our friends and family:  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, we made it HOME!  We are all in one piece, though our bodies think we are in two different places!

The flight was a blessing!  I held Chloe in my seat for the first hour, then she started to show signs of being sleepy (it was 11:00 pm China time!), so we made Estee's seat into a bed (thank goodness for all those American Airlines Points!!), laid her down, gave her the bottle, buckled the seatbelt around her little body, then crossed our fingers...  She was out in 5 minutes!  She and Estee fit perfectly on either end of the bed.  Then, Stacey and I (and Estee) were able to sleep!  She awoke about an hour and a half before landing, so, of course we fed her (it'd be a pretty big mountain that separated her from a meal!), and she really never cried the WHOLE FLIGHT!!

Chloe, hanging at Dad's seat, with her favorite book
(thanks to Auntie Melissa for the animal book)

Estee with a brave smile (she had a 102 fever mid-flight!)

The view over Alaska
What a great fit! Chloe & Estee sleeping

After clearing customs and immigration (Chloe traveled on a Chinese passport), what a great sight to see Zach and Emily waiting for us!  Thank GOD for kids who drive (and of course, thank you Zach)!  Neither of us would have been up for the 2 hr drive home from LAX.
Sight for sore eyes!  (they even brought Cheerios for
Chloe, and Starbucks for us)

Estee had her biggest smile for big sis!

Chloe cried a little bit being confined to a carseat, did I mention that no one wears seatbelts in China?  But with a little coaxing from Honey Nut Cheerios, she was fine, and even slept thru half of the drive.

My own tub of Cheerios, awesome,
buckled into a carseat, not so much...

Getting to the house was bitter-sweet, sweet because it is HOME, and visions of MY bed filled my head, and my Ugg slippers looked ohh so good!, bitter because we saw how much stuff we had to do...  The BOX of mail, all the suitcases full of laundry, etc...  But we ate some left-over pizza and put Chloe down, then went to bed!!  We all slept fitfully (it was daytime in China), but the bright spot was Chloe went to sleep in her own crib very easily!  Well... she woke up crying at 2:00 am, and guess who got to climb the stairs to figure out what to do?  You guessed it, the baby daddy, yours truly!  The good news was, she stopped crying as soon as she saw me, the bad news was, she was wide awake!  She just stared at me, eyes wide open, not moving, until I tried to leave the room, when she started to cry (I only tried about 5 times), then I laid on the floor with Estee's stuffed animal as a pillow and waited her out.  About 3:30 am I heard her snore, but gosh darn that creaky floor as I tried to leave the room, thankfully she didn't wake up, and slept till about 9:00 in the morning!

Rockin the cool cap Emily knit for me!

Exploring her new house
(photo creds - Emily)

not used to sharing...  yet!

First time on a bike, and already on the throttle... this her personality showing?

You want me to eat WHAT?!

Chloe was fun to watch, exploring the house (and the TOYS!) bonding with her older siblings, and generally being a crack up.  She has a very clear personality, and she will be an adventurer for sure, and smart as a whip, already doing sign language and some english words, she knows her name, and comes when called!

I know it is evening as I write this, but it took awhile before I felt halfway human again!  Stacey and I slept pretty good...  at least half the night.  We both woke up around 8:00 and asked Google what the best cure for jet lag was, (thanks to the iPhone we didn't have to get out of bed for this).

Her new favorite toy, it moves AND
makes music (thanks Grandma Sheila!)

"I think I'm gonna like this place"

Special thank you to Grandma Barbara (Musgrove) who took our shopping list, and bought us the groceries we needed, then came and did all our dirty laundry and helped put things away!  She even watched over things while we all napped this afternoon!

So at the end of the day now, Chloe just went down for bedtime without a hitch! ...we are crossing our fingers it is for the whole night

Check back with this blog every now and then, as I will post updates on Chloe's progress in assimilating into our family!  Good night...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan 24th, the 32 hour day

Waiting at the airport for them to sort out the tickets!
.Today started at 3:00am when Stacey and I got up to get showered and ready for the day.  I managed to cram all our stuff in the suitcases last night, so we got the girls up dressed, threw the last things into the bags then zipped em up.  By 4:40 we were downstairs packing up, and Stacey ran over to Starbucks for our morning coffee.

We once again had problems at the airport (they didn't have Chloe's ticket), and we were almost the last ones on the plane, but we made it.  Chloe even slept a bit on the 2 hr plane ride!  We got to Shanghai, took a van (with all our luggage we dont fit in a taxi) to the hotel to rest for 7 hours.  The internet here is really slow, so I won't have many or any pictures in this post.  We leave at 7:00pm to go back to the airport (we got here at 11:00).

We managed to get a great lunch at a place about a 15 min walk from the hotel, great fish!  Then took naps, we all fell asleep.  Now for some food, then back to the airport!

Keep us in your prayers for a relaxing flight home!

Our flight leaves 9:45pm Thursday the 24th, we arrive in Los Angeles at 5:30pm Thursday the 24th (kinda like time travel!).

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23rd

Well, today was our last day in Guangzhou, we are all three feeling like we are coming down with a cold/flu, and all feeling the 3 weeks of travel.  At the store yesterday, looking for something to fend off my cold the lady gave me a bottle of concentrated garlic oil tabs...  So I went for it yesterday, and am feeling a little better today, so I have gotten Estee and Stacey on it too.  Our breath must be monstrous!

                Estee and Chloe starting the day

After breakfast we drove to Shamian Island for shopping and lunch.  This is where we stayed for the week in Guangzhou when we came here for Estee, a very quiet and beautiful place.  Was a great way to spend the last day, enjoying the beauty and quiet, and finishing all our gift and souvenier shopping. 

Estee was feeling better since she wouldn't have to
walk today (we borrowed a stroller for Chloe), but
she wasn't so sure about her new wheels!
SO much better after a stop into Starbucks

Enjoying the beauty and quiet
While we shopped, Estee picked up a book,
and seemed totally absorbed.  Only later
did I notice it was a book of Mao's writings!
One of our first purchases, were some
squeaky shoes for Chloe (they squeak
every step.

Once she figured out they made noise,
it was hard to stop her!

Look at me, I'M NOISY!
The escapee

"I look pretty good in my new wheels, don't I?"
Each day, Chloe lets Stacey do more
and more without resisting.  Today
was especially good.

If only she would face the camera!
Of course there was shopping for fashion reasons as well...

Why'd you put this hat on me?  Do I look
Chinese or something?
Estee danced with the statues that
lined the walkway.

On the way back to the hotel, I asked our guide for help finding the one thing I swore I would not leave China without (besides Chloe), a cast iron wok!  Since the two I bought last time I was here were both broken, and I use them for cooking our veggies almost daily!

First we tried the shops on this street...

No, not these...

Here deep in the recesses of this small shop
crammed with merchandise, I found what I
was looking for!!  The only problem is each
Wok probably weighs 10lbs...  how am I going
to stay under the weight limits now?
Tonight, we just packed, and re-packed, and I still have some more packing to do!  We leave the hotel at 5:00am tomorrow, so cant leave anything till tomorrow.

We fly to Shanghai, layover for the day, then fly back to the States at 10:00pm.  It will be a LOOOOOOOOoooooong day, please pray we are up for it (and we all feel better), and even more, that Chloe is manageable on the plane, and sleeps a lot!  (we brought some Benadryl for backup...)

Taylor, this picture is for you!  Even in China...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan 22nd

Today started with smiles!  THen we went to the US Consulate to take the oath, and turn in our paperwork to get Chloe's visa, so we can bring her back with us.  All the paperwork was in order, and we should get our immigration packet and her Visa tomorrow afternoon.

Rest of the day was mostly napping (Chloe took a two and a half hour one), then we went on a dinner cruise up and back on the Pearl River.  Wow Guangzhou is a huge city!  With some really cool buildings.

Do you wonder why there are so many pictures of her
stuffing her face?  Because that is probably her favorite
thing to do!
Beautiful Estee lighting up the night!

She was so tired, she was giddy
The entertainment for the girls...

...the entertainment for us!

What you lookin at?

Good Night!